Learning Objectives for this Course#
The learning outcomes for this class can be characterized as a mix of “hard” and “soft” skills; both are equally valuable to your intellectual and personal development. At the end of this class, you should be able to:
Hard Skills#
Extract meaning from data, but also articulate the limitations of the conclusions you can draw from it
Write functional and efficient code in Python to perform basic data science tasks
Read and write data files in common formats such as CSV and Excel
Organize and manipulate data structures
Work with continuous, discrete, and factorial data
Visualize data in a variety of graphical formats
Perform exploratory data analysis using graphical and basic statistical operations
Perform basic signal processing on data, such as filtering in temporal and spatial dimensions
Build and run data processing pipelines on various types of neuroscientific data, including single unit recordings, time series, and 2D/3D images
Extend your Python skills using online resources
Soft Skills#
Demonstrate a professional work ethic by managing your time well, coming to class prepared, and engaging with your instructors and classmates
Peer-review the work of other classmates
Teach others skills and solutions you discover, and communicate your approach to discovering these
Articulate your strengths and weaknesses as a data scientist, and identify ways to improve your abilities
Use, and communicate the value of, open and reproducible code and data
This section was adapted from Aaron J. Newman’s Data Science for Psychology and Neuroscience - in Python.