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bayes-toolbox tutorials

Update: Hyosub's recorded PyMCon talk is now up on YouTube. You can find links to the talk and the tutorial notebook here. A Jupyter version of the tutorial is also available in the examples directory of the bayes-toolbox repository.

The examples page has many other great examples of using bayes-toolbox.

Much of the data and images are from the website for John K. Kruschke's textbook Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan. The notebooks are a combination of adaptations of Jordi Warmenhoven's excellent PyMC3 port of the textbook, edited materials put out by the PyMC developers, and original material. They are meant as example use cases that show you how to use bayes-toolbox and take advantage of some of the new functionality afforded since the release of PyMC 4.0 with ArviZ.